(In Hamlet on the Holodeck)
- Computers as a hybrid of all previous media/forms (sounds a lot like "cinema is an amalgam of all arts")
- New varieties of narrative entertainment (in their infancy)
- Storytelling as "continuous" throughout history, media
- Distressingly teleological view (earlier media foreshadowing later media as "proto" versions)
- Multiform stories, multiple versions/realities within one linear work
- 20th Century physics engenders a rethinking of narrative time: alternate realities, points-of-view
- 20th Century life as composed of parallel possibilities (computer can capture this)
- Roleplaying as "consensual reality," "holodeck experiences without the machinery"
- 3D movies ready for more intimate stories (definitely has not happened!)
- Tension between spatial immersion and linearity (and control/interactivity)
- Games as the most promising attempts so far
- Loosening of boundaries between game/story, narrative/drama, audience/author
- Murray hopes to determine the native properties of the computer (stop remediating)