(In Cybertext)
- Attempt to establish a rigorous terminology (always suspicious)
- Downplays physical differences between media (highly dubious claim that the shift from LPs to CDs did not change the production or consumption of music - what about track-skipping and shuffle?)
- "Correspondence analysis"
- Text: "any object with the primary function to relay verbal information" that requires a material medium and is not equivalent to the information relayed (as opposed to the more agnostic/ridiculously broad definitions preferred in film studies and elsewhere)
- Scriptons: strings of signs as they appear to an ideal reader/user
- Textons: strings of signs as they exist in the text
- Elements of textonomy: Dynamics/Determinability/Transiency/Perspective/Access/Linking/User Functions
- Significant overlap between paper and electronic texts according to this typology (contra common assumptions, hypertext techno-utopianism)
- User activity is a central concern
- New media emulate features/functions of old media (curiously anticipating Bolter and Grusin's Remediation, evidently the later Bolter was paying attention to Aarseth's many scathing critiques!)